Everyone can benefit from an estate plan. Without a plan, the state determines where your property goes upon your death. Even worse, someone you may not want making decisions for you may be given control of your financial and health care decisions. Also, the ones you leave behind are often devastated.
A good estate plan does more than simply address how your “stuff” is distributed when you die. Your estate plan should focus on taking care of you while you’re alive and well, provide for you or your loved ones if you become disabled, and ultimately
distribute your property to your chosen beneficiaries.
At Beyers Law LLC, we will help you address these issues in the most cost-effective manner. We can advise you if a will or trust is more appropriate for your situation and we can make sure that what you have worked your lifetime for is protected for the next generation. We also believe that estate planning is more than a one-time transaction and meet regularly with our clients to review their current plan and make sure it adequately meets the client’s needs.