In Special Needs News

Planning for emergencies, whether natural or manmade, is crucial for everyone, not least people with disabilities. Advance preparation can mean the difference between life and death, whether the threat comes from floods, fire, a prolonged power outage, or any number of other perils.

Advance planning is especially crucial for those with disabilities because minutes count when disaster strikes, as pointed out in a new disaster preparedness guide by Bankrate, the website offering financial expertise and tools. The comprehensive guide, titled “When disaster strikes; preparedness for seniors and people with disabilities,” is as broad as it is detailed, explaining what standard household insurance does and does not cover; the importance of creating a support network of family, friends, and emergency management agencies; and advising on how to equip homes and cars for the worst.

Some modern innovations, such as Alexa and Google, can be especially helpful in emergencies, putting us in touch immediately with people and agencies. But even the mundane should not be overlooked: Things we take for granted every day can be lifesavers in an emergency. For instance, if you need glasses to drive, better make sure you don’t have to hunt for them when the time to leave is NOW.

“You can never be too prepared for an emergency,” the guide warns. The resource breaks down several factors people with disabilities should keep in mind when it comes to disaster preparedness, including:

  • Safe driving solutions for those with disabilities who may be evacuating
  • Accessible technologies to make the home safer in an emergency
  • Simple planning tips to create an emergency network in your community

As the guide concludes, “With a list of centralized resources, assistive technology and disaster safety tips, you can safely and efficiently prevent severe losses and ensure your safety when disaster strikes.”

To read the disaster preparedness guide, click here



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